Will You Travel to My City to Do a Private Photoshoot?


I am sometimes asked by upscale clients if I will do a private photoshoot far from Portland.  The answer is often yes, but it's not cheap, due to the airfare, hotels and ground transportation that are required.   Also, I have to clear my schedule for multiple days in order to make the trip.  I avoid travelling around holidays or during bad weather. 


In most cases the cost is quite a bit less for you to come to the Portland area for your shoot, so that is by far the most common choice.   You should click on my travel page to see if I'm already planning a trip to your area: My upcoming trips!


But if your time is valuable, bringing me to you when your schedule allows, may be the best option.  I like to arrive a couple of days early to give us time to get acquainted and to make sure I'm recovered from the flight.  I will arrive at your place at least one day before the shoot to meet you, check out the location and plan the photoshoot.


Each client and each photoshoot is different.  Sometimes clients will provide lodging, meals and transportation.  Sometimes they don't.   After we work out the details, I can give you a firm cost estimate.  For trips involving travel, I ask for a 60% non-refundable deposit at the time the booking is made.  (I will make a full refund if for some reason I can't make the trip.)  The remainder is collected prior to delivery of the images.      


I will process your photos when I return home, so it will be several days before you get your photos via Google Drive.  (unless you want the RAW images straight out of the camera)

Before booking your private photoshoot, let's talk on the phone to help make sure I understand what you have in mind.  Due to the need for travel, my usual satisfaction guarantee (a free re-shoot if you don't like your images) is not applicable, so let's make sure we get it right the first time!