How to prepare for a boudoir, nude or erotic photoshoot


Suggestions for women:


Give your hair the full treatment the morning of the shoot or have it done professionally if possible. A soft, mobile style that you can flip around is better than a stiff perm.

Do your finger and toenails too, the camera loves bright red.

Shave all your parts that you might wish to show to the camera, unless you prefer a hairy style.

Do not consume alcohol just before the shoot, as it causes skin flushing.

Remove any tight garments two hours before the shoot. Bra straps, jeans, even socks can leave marks on the skin that are hard to remove with Photoshop.

If you are doing your own makeup, take extra time to get it right. If you run out of time, bring your makeup along and you will have time to apply it before the shoot. The camera loves bright red lipstick and heavy, evening-style makeup, like what you would wear to go out dancing, but the choice is yours.

Bring some of your favorite jewelry. Big flashy costume jewelry works great.

Bring something fun to put in your hair – a flower, for example

Bring a nice dress if you'd like some not-so-naughty photos.

Bring cute lingerie, high heels (red is great if you have it), and sexy loose fitting tops that can offer some exposure when needed.  An oversize man's dress shirt is ideal.

If you are planning an erotic shoot, bring your own personal toys. (And of course your own partner if you are doing a couple's shoot

Bring your I-pod or MP3 player if you'd like to hear your own music.  You can hook it up to the stereo.

Don't worry, these are just suggestions. The most important thing is to relax, have fun and enjoy the attention!


Suggestions for men:


For men participating in a couple's photoshoot, it is important to plan your outfit(s)in advance with your partner. Depending on the nature of the shoot, I may have some special advice, so please talk to me before the shoot.


Note:  Beyond Boudoir Photo is a discrete, private photography service for women and couples in the Portland Oregon and Vancouver Washington area.