Will you photograph my tattoo session?

May 29, 2016  •  Leave a Comment


Will You Photograph My Tattoo Session?




Tattoos are extremely popular in Portland these days.  You can find a tattoo parlor on every block, next to the coffee shop and the microbrewery.  They say we have some of the best tattoo artists in the nation here.

Getting a tattoo can be a big event in one's life.  We typically hire photographers to record other events like weddings, engagements, graduation and more.   But how many people hire a photographer to shoot their tattoo session?   Not very many, I'd say.




If you did want a photographer, how would you find one who would be willing to take on the job?  Most photographers wouldn't be interested, especially if there was nudity involved.  Fortunately, that's why Portland has Beyond Boudoir Photo!


I recently did a shoot for a friend who was getting her first really nice tattoo.  She agreed to let me share the photos with you.  The artist was also interested in having photos of herself at work to help promote her business.




If you are interesting in planning a tattoo photoshoot, you must talk it over with your artist first and get permission to have me there in the studio with my gear.  It may help to tell them I'm happy to provide some images to the artist that they can use for self promotion.  Usually I try to crop out my client's face on those, but it's up to them.




One good thing about photographing tattoo sessions is that it doesn't really take too long.  Unlike a wedding, you don't have to photograph the whole thing.  The two subjects aren't moving around much and there are only so many angles you can shoot from in a typical tattoo parlor.  I'd say an hour is plenty.  I typically charge $150.



After the tattoo has healed, I recommend scheduling a second photoshoot in my studio to document the new tat in all it's colorful glory.


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A sex-positive photographer serving your private photography needs.



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